Our mission 
The brokerage mission is to provide security and facility of work and lifestyle of people for promoting their peace of mind. We performs its mission through training, consultation, risk management, identification of needs and provision of comprehensive and integrated solution in the field of insurance industry for customers as well as creating intelligent solutions for them. 
Specialized field 
Hampad Insurance official brokerage with official accreditation of the Central Insurance of Islamic Republic of Iran is active in all the fields of commercial insurance with a professional approach and with reliance on technical knowledge and experience in insurance industry as consultant and attorney of insured entities in front of all insurance companies. This insurance brokerage is a company which performs all the affairs related to insurance applicants, related to insurance industry including: 
- Consultation 
- Risk management and identification of needs
- Determining and designing the required insurance policies 
- Preparation of insurance policies and executive affairs are done in one go and in integration. 
Groups of activity 
1- Consultation, determination and designing of insurance policies 
2- Preparation of insurance policies and performing the executive affairs 
3- Training and improving the cultural level of insurance applicants 
Specialized fields of activities: 
Property insurances
- Fire
 - Car 
- Cargo 
- …
Personal insurance 
- Group medical 
- Life 
- Accidents 
- Travel insurance 
- … 
Engineering insurance 
- Erection all risk insurance (EAR)
- Contractors all risk insurance (CAR)
- Construction Machinery and Equipment Insurance (CPM)
- Machinery breakdown insurance (MB) 
- …
Liability insurance 
- Employer’s civil liability insurance toward employees 
- Civil liability insurance toward third persons resulting from operation execution 
- Professional liability insurance of designer engineers, surveyors and construction supervisor 
- Comprehensive liability insurance (CGL) 
- …
Special insurances 
- Ship insurance 
- Airplane insurance 
-Money insurance 
-Credit insurance 
This activity is performed independent from any dependency on a specific insurance company and only with focus on customer need and use of maximum market capacity,  official insurance brokerage company in provision of the insurance services, without any limitation in using insurance policies of insurance companies, always have tried to select the best solutions for the customer. 
Fundamental policy
Often, those active in insurance industry organize their activities around insurance services of one or a few specific insurer and as a result turned into the protector of the interests of that insurer. An Official insurance brokerage company with reliance on quality of services has always tries to provide the best and highest quality solutions imaginable in insurance industry. Attachment to one or a few insurer, doesn’t guarantee the best solution for the customer. Hence; the company, in his work policies with a new understanding from customer-orientation, also with focused intention on request and need of the customer has decided to move in the path of non-attachment to a specific insurer. Today, insurance brokerage company, is only protects the interests of the customer and tries to selected the superior insurer for provision of the higher quality services. 

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